Foundation for Autism Acceptance Worldwide

Mission Statement

The mission of The Foundation for Autism Acceptance Worldwide is to provide compassion, inclusion and acceptance in communities around the world, by empowering others to give Autism a voice..

Vision Statement

At The Foundation for Autism Acceptance Worldwide, we are dedicated to enriching the lives of those on the Autism spectrum by promoting understanding, compassion, inclusion and acceptance in communities around the world. We hope to provide a safe and welcoming environment for sharing stories of acceptance that validate the dignity and worth of the individual with Autism while also appreciating their talents, skills and contributions. We also would like to recognize and reward acts of acceptance which help overcome obstacles or easing the struggles of everyday life for those with Autism.

The Foundation hopes to provide grant opportunities for community inclusion and activities of acceptance through education, recreational and inclusion opportunities.

We believe that acceptance is the common thread that weaves together the rich tapestry that is human decency and respect for all who inhabit our world.

Our Team